Sharyn Johnston

Sharyn Johnston achievement

With a solid social media following and a strong tea focused network around the globe, Sharyn is a well-respected member of the global tea community.

  • 2020

    Sharyn was nominated as “Best Tea Advocate” by World Tea Media Group.
  • 2019

    She was nominated as “Best Tea Educator” at World Tea Expo in USA.
  • 2018 & 2017

    Sharyn released The Tea Sommelier handbook and app for Android and Apple.
    The Australian Tea Masters Tea Sommelier book was nominated as “Best Tea Book”.
  • 2016

    Sharyn launched the Tea flavour wheel which has now been translated into seven languages.
    In November 2016 Sharyn launched the Tea Sommelier app for Android and Apple. The app is now also translated into Korean.
  • 2015

    Sharyn launched the first tea expo in Australia (Australian International Tea Expo).
    At the same time the Golden Leaf Awards were launched, the only international tea competition in Australia.

Award gallery